10 Benefits of Potatoes


10 Benefits of Potatoes | Health and Skin

The potato is a root vegetable native to the Americas, a starchy tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum. It belongs to the family ‘Solanaceae’ and genus ‘Solunum’.

The potato was originally believed to have been domesticated by the indigenous people of Americas. It was domesticated around 7,000-10,000 years ago.

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Potatoes were introduced to Europe from America within the last half of the 16th century by the Spanish.

The most rapid expansion in production over the past few decades has occurred in southern and eastern Asia. As of 2018, China and India became the leading countries in the overall production.

Today, it is regarded as the essential crop in Northern and Eastern Europe and gradually became the staple food in many parts of the world.

Image by DiViArt

The vegetative and fruiting parts of the potato contain the toxin solanine which is dangerous for human consumption.

 Normal potato tubers that are grown and stored properly produce glycoalkaloids in small amounts which is enough to be negligible to human health, but if green sections of the plant (sprouts and skins) are exposed to light, the tuber can accumulate a high concentration of glycoalkaloids which is enough to affect human health.

That is why, it is always said not to consume any green parts of the potato.

Image by|Katrin Hauf

Potatoes contain a ‘Wealth of health benefits’. So, we are providing here the 10 Benefits of this world famous vegetable.

1. Prevent Heart Diseases

Besides vitamins and minerals, potatoes contain some substances called ‘Carotenoids’ (lutein and zeaxanthin).

Carotenoids are known as good for the heart health and functioning of our internal organs.

Image by| Rebeca g. sendroiu

However, over-consumption of potatoes may cause high pressure on your heart due to several factors, so you must be careful about how often you use potatoes.

So, it is not recommended for diabetic or obese patients to prevent heart disease by consumption of potatoes.

2. Treat Diarrhoea

Potatoes are an excellent component of energy rich diet for those suffering diarrhea as they are east to digest and contain mild roughage.

Image by|Monika Stawowy

However, eating too much potato may also be the cause of diarrhea due to excessive ingestion of starch.

3. Treat Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones refer to ‘Renal calculi’, also caused by an increase of uric acid in blood. Iron and Calcium may also cause stones.

Foods which increase uric acid in blood must be avoided in such cases, like meat, spinach, certain beans etc.

Image by|Chad Elliott

Potatoes contain both Iron and Calcium for which it is not a good method to prevent kidney stones but, it also contains Magnesium, which inhibits the accumulation/deposition of Calcium (calcification) in kidney and other tissues.

Thus, it has been proved beneficial for the medical management of renal calculi.

4. Protect and Moisturize the Skin

Vitamin C and B and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorous and zinc, functions as promoters of skin.

Well crushed potatoes, mixed with honey are said to cure pimples and spots on skin.

Image by|Retha Ferguson

This paste applied on burns and wounds, results quick relief and faster healing.

Smashed potatoes also help in softening and cleaning dark skin, especially round the elbows.

5.  Aid in Weight Gain

Potatoes mainly contain carbohydrates and proteins and are low in fat.

Combined with cheese, cream and butter, it becomes a  perfect diet for lean and thin people like me who wants to gain weight.

Image by|Monika Grabkowska

The vitamin content also helps in proper absorption of carbohydrates.

6. Easy to Digest

Potatoes contain high level of carbohydrates and fibres which makes it easier to digest and also helps in digestive process.

Hence it is a good diet for babies and also for those who cannot digest hard food.

Image by|Xxolaxx

However, consumption of too many potatoes may also cause acidity.

7. Reduce Inflammation

The various properties of potatoes help in reducing both internal & external inflammation.

Potatoes can relieve any inflammation in the intestines and the digestive system.

They are a very good dietary element for those who have mouth ulcers.

Image by|Alexas Fotos

8. Treat Scurvy

Potatoes are rich in vitamin C and Carotenoid, which can help in preventing scurvy.

9. Lower Blood Pressure

Potatoes can be used to relieve high blood pressure due to tension.

They can also treat indigestion due to presence vitamin C and fibers. Fibers also help in lowering cholesterol and improving functioning of insulin, which aids in lowering blood pressure.

10. Aid in cognitive process

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Potatoes contain glucose, vitamin B complex components and certain hormones, amino acids and fatty acids such omega-3, which help in cognitive process.

They maintain good level of glucose which keeps your cognitive activity and performance high.

Reference: Health and Nutrition

                  Medical News Today


  1. Thanks for sharing this.
    Will share it to many.

  2. Didn't know that these had so many health benefits, oh well I know now. Also really cute graphics :)


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