Brief Career Counselling for 10 th Passed Students This is a common question which haunts students after 10 th board exam. Most of the students who were guided and spoon-fed during their school years, experience a challenging situation at this crucial point of life. Sometimes, lack of proper counselling results in irresponsible choices which later on affects their futures. So, here we are providing you some options which might help the students to make a wise decision for their future. STEP 1: Selecti on of Bo ard After the class 10 th result, a student can continue the same board or can opt for a different board. In India, a student can choose CBSE/ICSE/state board or any other board. If a student wants to change his/her board, it is better to research a bit and have some discussions with their elders, seniors and teachers. It is also recommended to prepare themselves for some challenges in the new board. STEP 2: Have a proper thoro...