Are 'Wrap around spiders' dangerous?

Are ‘Wrap around spiders’ dangerous? If you are an arachnophobe like me, then you better know about this species before going out for hiking. The Wrap around spider is a creature of nightmares. The creature seems to be creepy and poisonous. We may expect this to be venomous, isn’t it? But no! The wrap around spider’s venom is not dangerous to humans. The spider belongs to the family of Araneidae. Some species of this family are known to be venomous but the wrap around spider is said to poison free. Due to the ring-like patterns on its body, the wrap around spider is also known as the Leopard spider. The spider as a special ability to blend with its surrounding. This kind of camouflage is called mimesis. Also read: How biosyntheic spider silk are obtained artificially? Are water striders dangerous? The wrap around spider is known to hide during the day and build large vertical webs during the night. So, if you stroll or go out for hiking in an adventurous...